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Current position: About Us > Guobang Culture
Chairman's AddressOverviewMilestonesGuobang CultureHonorsGroup members
Guobang Culture
Establish business, develop a country
Corporate philosophy
Corporate philosophy

Mission: To share the beauty of science, nature and life
Social value:Build up people and country, prosper industry and country
Corporate spirit: Professionalism, harmony, progress
Corporate style: Trustworthy, manageable, efficient
Business policy: Innovative, intensive, collaborative, sharing

Development goals

Striving to provide services that benefit life and health as our mission, to replicate similar products horizontally and extend the production chain vertically, to expand our range of services and cover the global market.

Development goals
Manpower goals
Manpower goals

With our social value of building up people and country and prospering industry and country, to gather talented personnel who will make contributions to society.

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